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Pursuant to the provisions of the Spanish Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (Law 34/2002 of 11 July 2002, Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y del Comercio Electrónico) and other legislation, you are hereby informed that the owner of this site, which shall be understood to mean the site comprised under the domain name quomai.com, is the company Iñaki Sebastián MALLETS S.L. with Spanish Corporate Taxpayer’s Code (CIF) No. B20665261, Registered in the trade register of Guipúzcoa Commercial Register TOME 1761 PAGE 178 LEAF No SS 15974., and which may be contacted at the following address: Av. Egüés 62, 1º C, 31620 Gorraiz, Navarra (Spain).

PERCUSHOP.COM as a subsidiary company of Iñaki Sebastián MALLETS S.L. is either the sole owner of, or, pursuant to agreements with third parties, the owner of the operation rights in, the graphic elements, design, source code and other analogous elements, as well as the texts comprising this site and any texts published through it, as well as the way they are presented and put together.

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Unless otherwise expressly agreed, Iñaki Sebastián MALLETS S.L. does not grant any licence for use or authorisation in relation to its industrial or intellectual property rights or any other property or right relating to its website. Users may reproduce the content of the website solely for the purposes of making backup copies, storage or printing of hard copies for private use Any full or partial reproduction, distribution, transformation or presentation of the content of the website or any of its elements, directly or indirectly by means of computer networks or analogous media, aimed at the public for commercial purposes or for use outside the uses stipulated above, is prohibited, even if the source is mentioned, without Iñaki Sebastián MALLETS S.L.’s express written authorisation. Breach of this provision shall entitle Iñaki Sebastián MALLETS S.L., where applicable, to take any legal action it may deem appropriate. The following, in particular, are prohibited:

  • The extraction and use of elements from the website, regardless of whether or not any damage is thereby caused to Iñaki Sebastián MALLETS S.L., pursuant to Royal Legislative Decree 19/1996 of 12 April 1996 approving the Consolidated Text of the Spanish Intellectual Property Law (Ley de Propiedad Intelectual) and all other applicable Spanish and European legislation.

  • The presentation of a page of the website in another website not belonging to Iñaki Sebastián MALLETS S.L., using the techniques known as “framing”, “deep linking” and other similar techniques, without Quomai Technologies S.L.’s express written authorisation. Iñaki Sebastián MALLETS S.L. must expressly authorise the inclusion of hypertext links (hyperlinks) on other websites pointing to any internal page of this site, provided the pages in question appear in a full window and under this website’s Internet addresses.

  • Any attempts to carry out any computer attack of any kind.

  • The insertion of an image published on the website in any page or database not belonging to Iñaki Sebastián MALLETS S.L., using the technique known as “in-line linking” or “hotlinking”, without Iñaki Sebastián MALLETS S.L.’s express written authorisation.

Iñaki Sebastián MALLETS S.L. also reserves the right to take any action it may deem appropriate, in addition to in the aforementioned cases, if it becomes aware of any potential abuse of its image through “typo”, “misspelled” or other similar domains.Any rights not expressly granted above are expressly reserved for Quomai Technologies S.L. or, where applicable, for third party collaborators.

Connections or “links” to other websites may be established through this website.

Iñaki Sebastián MALLETS S.L. accepts no liability regarding third party websites’ privacy practices and recommends that, where applicable, users remain aware of this when leaving this website.

The relationships established through this website between Iñaki Sebastián MALLETS S.L. and the website’s users shall be governed by current legal provisions, applicable legislation and the competent jurisdiction. Notwithstanding the foregoing, where legal provisions provide for the possibility of the parties submitting to a particular jurisdiction, Iñaki Sebastián MALLETS S.L. and the users shall submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Pamplona (Spain), expressly waiving any other jurisdiction which might otherwise apply to them.

Customer Service: Phone: +34 665520408 / Email: info@inakisebastian.com

Available from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 7pm (according with Madrid horary use).

Percushop.com is part of the company Iñaki Sebastián Mallets S.L.,

Legal representative: Iñaki Sebastián del Cerro.

Manager of the company: Iñaki Sebastián del Cerro.